Friday, November 29, 2013

10 things you need to know about Nextcoin

1) For mining you need only computer with internet connection. It is not based on how fast your computer is.

2) The more Nxt you have, the more Nxt you get by mining. Miners get Nxt from transaction fees.

3) If you want to mine, you need to get/buy some Nxt coins. Then you must wait (24 hours?) until that transaction gets 1440 confirmations.

4) There are and always will be Nxt coins. No inflation caused by mining here.

5) Nxt is a brand new crypto currency, it's not based on Bitcoin (etc), it's simpler, faster, cheaper, healthier, better!

6) All Nxt coins were owned by original fundators.

7) There will be marketplace, messages and also colored coins (other alternative coins) included in the Nxt client.

8) Minimum transfer fee is 1 Nxt.

9) Now you can send, receive and mine Nxt. Other featers are expected on 3rd January 2014.

10) For now if you loose your password, you loose all your Nxt coins.

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